

Our Work

Mehta Brothers (Pvt) Ltd’s diverse spectrum of foundry raw materials available to its clientele includes products for both the ferrous and non-ferrous industries. For the ferrous industry we primarily market high purity pig iron, ferroalloys and nodulizers.  Products available for the non-ferrous industry include copper alloys, aluminum-silicon alloys, aluminum master alloys for composition adjustment, and modifiers and grain refiners for improvement of mechanical properties. Some of our other core items comprise of carburizers, chemical sand binders and deoxidizers.

Mehta Brothers (Pvt) Ltd has at its disposal a team of experienced salesmen which are able to efficiently and actively market our products throughout Pakistan through a network of branch offices located across the country.

Mehta Brothers (Pvt) Ltd employs the help of highly technical, experienced personnel which are suited to optimize foundry operations for clients and provide general engineering solutions which help businesses run smoothly and successfully.

©2025 Mehta Brothers Pvt. Ltd.

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